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July so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
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Owner: squiz

Member#: 6644
Registered: 27-05-2007
Diary Entries: 2939

2nd October 2011
Hiking - Walking: Moulins de la Foux=France
Wind Direction:
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Weather: sunny and hot
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Sunday 2 October 2011-Walk (Moulins de la Foux) ***** A little travelling and a swim – hot !!!!
We ate breakfast and cracked walnuts with the fantastic view again – on our own until 9.30 :) Set off to drive a little way down the mountain (saw where the car went over – wow, they were lucky. We saw it get towed away about 9 last night in the dark!) To the footpath taking you down to the beautiful Moulin de la Foux. It was a really steep walk with cedar trees for shade and lots of shale which obviously regularly covers the pathway. The Mill is built over a huge waterfall. There are big rocks in the middle which the building stands on but it still looks miraculous that it is still there after 900 years. It has been renovated and has information boards inside telling you about how the river Viz sources in the mountains then goes underground and comes back up at the mill. People have been through the canyons to explore the caverns. How they actually worked the mill was really interesting too. The waterfall surrounding it is really forceful and takes your breath away. If you scramble down the rocks it runs a lot more calmly through a gorge with really high sides and at one point there is an archway of rock to walk through. It is a really magical place and even had lots of really pretty butterflies on the damp sand at the edge. We spent a good hour or so down there exploring and it was a lot hotter on the walk back up! We saw about 20 hikers walking up the road – even the dog was sweating. They must be mad. We stopped by the river Viz again next to a submersible bridge and had our lunch with our feet in the water. Set off again and stopped at the viewing point at the top of the canyon on the opposite side to where we stayed. Again stunning views and an information point. I Have been wanting to find proper Dolmans (ancient stones) since we left the Aveyron area – we found one that had been re-constructed but not the real thing so we followed an obscure sign and hey presto found several stones standing on their own and then a ‘Grand’ Dolman – it was like a house. I was really chuffed:) We had decided to head for our old favourite for a relaxing few days – Lac Salagou near Clermont Herault with its beautiful red rock, green trees and blue water, plus the blue sky it is a picture :) Did stop at McD to try the internet and although it was very fast Facebook was messing about so didn’t stop long – plus the fact it was absolutely boiling! Treated ourselves to a 1 euro cone each though :) At Salagou we had a wonderful swim and after tea discovered that we could get internet here too! Free parking, beautiful scenery and internet! It’s from a campsite somewhere nearby but we don’t know where – Merci Boucoup:) We stood on the shore and watched the orange sunset over the red hills and were dive bombed by Daubenton’s Bats (we know that because of Mags eye spy book! Another entry!)

Check out photos on Facebook :) =c817137869&type=1 l=4f3333d9fa&type=1

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